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Implementing Blood Pressure at Home in Community Stroke teams across Greater Manchester.

13.00- 14.00

MS Teams

Greater Manchester Neuro Rehabilitation and Integrated Stroke Delivery Network logo

Audience: Any Health Care Professionals


Carolyn Shimwell qualified as an Occupational Therapist that specialises in stroke rehabilitation. In 2012 Carolyn helped set up Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale Early supported discharge service and led an expansion into a complete integrated community stroke team in 2020. Carolyn has recently completed a senior leaders apprenticeship master’s at the University of Manchester and also holds a module on health economics, which supported the implementation of the blood pressure at home project in her area. In January 2022, Carolyn started as a clinical lead for the GMNISDN (Greater Manchester Neurorehabilitation and Integrated stroke delivery network) and is currently focusing on several development projects, including vocational rehabilitation, seating and staffing models.

Louise Worswick worked as a Senior Nurse and Ward Manager on both the Acute and Stroke Rehabilitation units and has been working in Stroke services at Salford Royal since 2003. She started working in Salford’s community Early Supported Discharge (ESD) as Nursing and Team lead for ESD in 2016. This has brought new experiences such as networking and facilitating the GM Stroke Community Nurse meeting, which supports nurses working within the community-led therapy teams for peer support, education, and practice improvement. Louise’s new role, in addition to this, is with the GMNISDN as GM Nursing Clinical lead. This is an exciting role for looking at national and regional stroke nursing, identifying good practices, and promoting shared learning and collaboration with projects.

The aim of the webinar is to :-

Discuss the implementation of blood pressure at home across our Greater Manchester community stroke services.

This will include:

  • Practicalities and challenges.
  • The benefits of such a monitoring resource as part of a community stroke service.

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