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GM Spasticity - Inpatient Teams Organisation Audit
(Please complete one form only per service)
Ward Name
Trust responsible for Team
Is spasticity routinely considered for all patients with neurological motor weakness?
Full Compliance
Partial compliance because - spasticity is sometimes considered
None compliance because - spasticity is never considered
If compliant, what process is in place to provide assurance?
Please select all that apply
GM Spasticity Proforma
Local Audit
Which members of the locality MDT are involved in spasticity management?
Rehab Medicine Doctor
Non-Medical Injector
Occupational Therapist
Advanced Clinical Practitioner
Non Medical Consultant
Is the MDT able to provide or access second-line interventions on the ward?
Full Compliance
Partial compliance because - resource is available but pathway is not coordinated, Limited stock options, limited capacity, limited resource
None compliance because - no capacity within the team, workforce not trained to provide orthoses, no orthotic resource within the team, no referral pathway in place to access orthotics
Oral Anti-Spasticity Agents
Choose multiple as required
Full Compliance
Partial compliance because - oral agents are available but pathway not coordinated, limited due to availability of workforce.
None compliance because - no capacity within the team to offer review/assessment, no prescribers within the workforce, no pathway in place to access prescribers such as Rehab Medicine Doctors or GP
Botulinum Toxin
Choose multiple as required
Full Compliance
Partial compliance because - available but pathway not coordinated, administration of toxin offered on a goodwill basis, limited capacity to provide toxin.
None compliance because - no capacity within the team, workforce not trained to provide botulinum toxin, no pathway in place to access trained medical or non-medical injector for botulinum toxin
Which healthcare professionals deliver botulinum toxin in your locality?
Rehab Medicine Doctor
Non-Medical Injector
Stroke Consultant
If the injecting clinician is a non-medical injector, have they completed the following training requirements stipulated by the national guidelines:
a) Attended a botulinum toxin training course
Choose multiple as required
Full Compliance
Partial compliance because - NMI is currently in training
None compliance because - NMI has not accessed a formal training course
b) Been observed assessing and injecting a minimum of 5 pts with arm and 5 pts with leg spasticty related problems?
Choose multiple as required
Full Compliance
Partial compliance because - NMI has completed some observed injections but not all required.
None compliance because - NMI has not been observed.
c) Been trained to use the relevant localisation techniques (EMG, electrical stimulation or ultrasound)
Choose multiple as required
Full Compliance
Partial compliance because - NMI has limited access to relevant equipment, NMI has received training in some but not all relevant techniques.
None compliance because - NMI has not been trained to utilise any localisation techniques.
Is there access to EMG / electrical stimulation / ultrasound equipment as required?
Choose all that apply
Full Compliance
Partial compliance because - equipment not always available, some localisation options available but not all,
None compliance because - no equipment available, no-one is trained to utilise localisation equipment
Which is most frequently used on the ward?
Muscle Stimulation
Are there pathways in place to access third-line interventions outside of the ward?
Intrathecal baclofen service
Full Compliance
Partial compliance because - limited pathway in place to access ITB clinic
None compliance because - no referral pathway in place to access ITB clinic
Orthopaedic / Plastic Surgery
Full Compliance
Partial compliance because - limited referral pathway in place to access orthopaedic surgical services
None compliance because - no referral pathway in place to access orthopaedic surgical services
Full Compliance
Partial compliance because - limited referral pathway in place to access neurosurgical services
None compliance because - no referral pathway in place to access neurosurgical services
Does the locality service routinely provide written information to patients and carers on managing spasticity?
Choose all that apply
Full Compliance
Partial compliance because - written information is provided some of the time
None compliance because - no resource available, written information is never provided
Is there an onward referral pathway for review/follow up of spasticity management following IP management?
Choose all that apply
Full Compliance
Partial compliance because - limited pathway in place
None compliance because - no pathway in place
What does this look like?
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