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GM Spasticity - Inpatient Teams Organisation Audit

(Please complete one form only per service)
If compliant, what process is in place to provide assurance?
Please select all that apply
Which members of the locality MDT are involved in spasticity management?

Is the MDT able to provide or access second-line interventions on the ward?

Oral Anti-Spasticity Agents
Choose multiple as required
Botulinum Toxin
Choose multiple as required
Which healthcare professionals deliver botulinum toxin in your locality?

If the injecting clinician is a non-medical injector, have they completed the following training requirements stipulated by the national guidelines:

a) Attended a botulinum toxin training course
Choose multiple as required
b) Been observed assessing and injecting a minimum of 5 pts with arm and 5 pts with leg spasticty related problems?
Choose multiple as required
c) Been trained to use the relevant localisation techniques (EMG, electrical stimulation or ultrasound)
Choose multiple as required
Is there access to EMG / electrical stimulation / ultrasound equipment as required?
Choose all that apply
Which is most frequently used on the ward?

Are there pathways in place to access third-line interventions outside of the ward?

Intrathecal baclofen service
Orthopaedic / Plastic Surgery
Does the locality service routinely provide written information to patients and carers on managing spasticity?
Choose all that apply
Is there an onward referral pathway for review/follow up of spasticity management following IP management?
Choose all that apply

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