Community rehabilitation used to be hugely variable in our region and provided via different models of care, with several areas offering no specialist services at all.
Starting in 2016, we have now implemented integrated models of community rehabilitation for all our stroke and neurorehabilitation patients, so that residents receive the same high level care regardless of where they live. All 11 boroughs now follow the integrated model for stroke, with only one not offering specialist neurorehabilitation services. Our integrated model is the basis of the NHS England Integrated Community Stroke Service (ICSS) model.
Our stroke model mandates the professionals needed within the core team and provides guidance on staffing levels. It details pathways of care and where possible (based on the evidence), outlines what care should be provided and by when. The model advocates early involvement of the voluntary sector to support life after stroke, and also details access to key NHS support services such as orthoptics.
A similar model has been developed for neurorehabilitation that can be delivered as part of a single specialist service – either via joint (i.e. with stroke) or separate teams. We have presented this as wider NHS England work to transform neurology services. Visit this section in the NHS England Future Platform for more information. You can also find out more in this poster.
We also collect data in community to help understand the quality of care being provided in each area. Professionals can find out more in our community transformation webpages.
We are also implementing the NHS England Life After Stroke (ILASS) model in our localities and have developed a similar Longer Term Support model for other neurological conditions which is being piloted.
You can hear from Ken and Tammy about the support they received in Bolton following Ken’s stroke in June 2019. You can also view a webinar explaining our work.