Lower Limb Workshop
8.00am - 5pm
Mayo Building, Salford Royal, M6 8HD

Presenter Dr Simone Dorsch and Karl Schurr – The StrokeEd Collaboration, Australia
Audience:The workshops are aimed at clinicians who work with people who have had a stroke or brain injury
Cost: £500
Three Day event – to be held 27th, 28th 29th September at The Mayo Building
Learning Outcomes: This workshop aims to increase participants
- Awareness of the key aspects of a being an evidence-based clinician
- Ability to apply that knowledge to the rehabilitation of people following stroke or traumatic brain injury
- Knowledge of the biomechanics of sitting and standing, standing-up and sitting-down and walking
- Ability to analyse movement problems in these skills, taking into account neural, biomechanical, musculoskeletal and environmental factors
- Ability to distinguish between compensations and missing essential components
- Ability to plan and implement appropriate training strategies for the analysed movement problems
- Ability to evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen training strategy
- Ability to modify training strategies in response to changes in the patient’s performance
- Ability to critically evaluate and modify teaching skills to optimise practice and training
Payment must be made via the link on the Eventbrite page and Tickets Are Available Here
Please contact karen.smith22@nca.nhs.uk with any queries