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Know Your Numbers! week – download our BP Monitoring at Home report

Know Your Numbers! Week is running from 5-11th September 2022 and attempts to reach those who are unaware of their high blood pressure (BP) so they can get the treatment and support they need to bring it under control.

During the past 18 months, Greater Manchester community stroke teams have been introducing home BP monitoring to help identify and manage hypertension in patients who have had a stroke. People who have had a stroke are at very high risk of having another cardiovascular event if they have high BP, and home management has been shown to provide more accurate readings which helps to better manage the condition.

Ten of our teams were involved in an NHS England initiative called Blood Pressure Monitoring @ Home which was mainly aimed at GP practices. We found that the scheme worked exceptionally well with our community stroke pathway, benefiting both patients and their families but also also increasing the knowledge and capacity in the clinical teams involved.

Professionals can download a copy of the report summarizing our approach and findings and also other supporting resources here (you may need to register on our website first to access).