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Network seeks members to join neurorehabilitation Patient & Carer Group

Multi-disciplinary team sat around a table during a meeting

The network engages with people and groups involved with neurorehabilitation care to help improve the quality and accessibility of local services. We need to hear the views of people who use neurorehabilitation services to help influence how they are provided locally.

We are setting up a new Patient and Carer Group and are seeking people affected by neurological conditions to join as members. To be a member you need to:

  • Have a neurological condition (other than stroke) OR have experience of caring for someone with a neurological condition
  • Live in Greater Manchester
  • Be willing to share your experiences with others to help improve neurorehabilitation services

We are looking for people with different life experiences such as age, gender, ethnicity, type of neurological condition etc.

The new group will be chaired by Mike Carpenter who has lived with Multiple Sclerosis for over 10 years. The group will consist of about 12 members and will meet face to face for 2-3 hours during the day. A venue will be chosen that is convenient and accessible to everyone in the group. The network will pay for transport to get to meetings and can arrange taxis if required.

At the group, you will discuss your experiences and share your opinions, but you will not get access to extra treatment, therapy or support.

You can view a short video by Mike here or information in Plain English leaflet or an aphasia friendly version.

To find out more and how to apply please contact Sarah Rickard on: or call 07872 417507