Vacancy for Clinical Lead for Nursing
The network is supported by a robust clinical leadership structure that provides us with the expertise we need to deliver a wide ranging programme of work. Nurses are critical in providing high quality stroke and NR care in our region, and we have a specific Clinical Lead role to support this agenda. Our nursing related projects currently include many around CVD prevention (including TIA) as well as other areas like continence with nursing workforce development a significant focus too.
Louise Worswick has been our Clinical Lead for Nursing for the past two years and will be stepping down at the end of December. We are therefore seeking a highly motivated and experienced nurse to join the network team from the beginning of next year. The role is effectively a one day a week secondment at 8a level, and employment would remain with the substantive employer. It is initially for a year, but will be reviewed with potential to extend for a further 1-2 years. The role will be quite stroke focused but may involve NR services/pathways too.
The Lead will be supported by our Hospital Clinical Director Dr Krishnamoorthy and work with the network’s other Community Clinical Director Tracy Walker, the rest of the Clinical Leads and the project management team of Facilitators (we have just appointed another nurse to replace Anjali George so the role would mostly work with them). It is a great opportunity for a local nurse to develop leadership skills and expand their understanding of the clinical pathways across GM, and may help support professional development and career progression. Full induction and training in quality improvement etc will be provided.
You can download the role outline here.
Please get in touch if you want to find out more – Louise would be happy to speak to anyone interested. Please complete the EOI form and return to
The deadline for applications is 17th November.