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Specialist Seating

Individuals with neurological conditions including stroke often require ‘specialist’ wheelchairs and seating due to their complex needs. Such patients often present with a diverse mixture of physical, sensory, cognitive problems that require specialist wheelchairs and seating for effective spasticity management and postural support. Timely access to the appropriate wheelchair and seating is essential in order to prevent further complications/co-morbidities to the individual e.g. pressure areas, contractures, social isolation, falls, repeat hospital admissions, inability to access work/education etc.

Below is a downloadable seating toolkit which includes information on:

  • North West Seating Companies
  • Training Courses
  • Seating Criteria & Guidance
  • Assessment Documentation Examples including Oxford Seating Proforma
  • Pathway Example


Many thanks to members of the North West Static Seating Task & Finish Group who kindly shared their local documentation.