The network is comprised of a number of groups as part of its governance structure that oversee, facilitate and undertake much of the work:
- Board – Responsible for delivery of the network’s strategy and work plan, reports to the host organisation (Northern Care Alliance NHS FT)
- Clinical Effectiveness Group – Oversees service improvement work
- Subgroups – standing meetings to support specific areas
- Steering Groups – support complex, longer term but time limited pieces of work that include task and finish groups within wider strategy and project programme
- Functional Neurological Disorder
- Life after stroke
- Neurological Longer Term Support
- Motor Neurone Disease
- Spasticity
- Vestibular Rehabilitation
- Task and Finish Groups – time limited projects with a maximum of 12 months duration
- Implementation of CT Perfusion in hyper acute stroke
- Neurogenic bladder and bowel
- Neurorehabilitation transformation
- Nursing competencies
- Spasticity patient information
- Training needs – stroke and neurorehabilitation
- Vestibular model and standards
- Peer Support Groups – support networking amongst professionals, sharing best practice and may generate ideas for projects
- Advanced Clinical Practitioners
- Community Nurses
- Dietitians
- Orthoptists
- Speech and Language Therapists
- Community of Practice – brings together professionals on a topic rather than a profession
- Vocational rehabilitation