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Augmentative and Alternative Communication

ace centre logo

ACE is commissioned by NHS England to provide specialised AAC across the North West. Visit their website for contact and referral details, training events and resources, available free of charge.

You can view a presentation from ACE which describes their eligibility criteria, the referral process and further guidance here.


Useful Resources

NHS England guidance for commissioning AAC services and equipment

ACE ibooks are available here.

ACE resources such as alphabet charts, communication boards and many more are available here.

ACE offer a range of training opportunities. Click here to find out more.

NHS Greater Manchester Shared Services manage, through their ‘Effective Use of Resource (EUR) Team’, Individual Funding Requests, including requests for AAC, not commissioned by NHS England. Click here to find out more. The Greater Manchester EUR team can be contacted on:

EUR process or funding requests: Tel: 0161 212 6250 or email