The service provides practical and emotional information, advice and support to stroke survivors & the families and carers of stroke survivors. This could include information around stroke and its affects, emotional support and signposting/referral to other local services for carers. We run several peer support groups & activities for stroke survivors and carers. The service provides low level one-to-one emotional support to stroke survivors and the family/carers, to help them cope with their life after stroke. This support can be over the phone, through visits, through groups or via the volunteer befriending service. There is also a number of information leaflets around the emotional effects of stroke. The service can also refer/signposts to other services which may be of some help, including mental health services, psychological services, where appropriate. Also promote and offers volunteer opportunies
Organisation Address
Dewsnap Lane ClinicHyde
SK16 5AW
Telephone No
0161 330 4006 or 0161 366 9746
Web Address or
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Referral Type